Hello, my friend! Welcome to my homepage. Thank you for visiting. I'm Annagenia, 33 years old, born in Germany. I like working on social issues, challenging norms and exploring the potentials in failure. I am mainly working with photography, but also like to use sound, video, text, graphics, objects. If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, don't hesitate to contact me.
Auf diese Fotografin hat die Welt gewartet(2023)
Arabellastraße 5 (2018)
Nature One (ongoing)
Packback (2020)
Das sagt sich so einfach nicht (2022)
Um das Pflegebett herum (2023)
Wearing my burnout as a badge of honour (2022)
Gold suchen (coming soon)
Feiertag (2018)
Quick and easy to burn (2019)
Driving home for christmas (2012)
To Travel Is To Live (2019)
Liebe deine Arbeit (ongoing)
Mein Traumberuf (coming soon)